How to uninstall Google Chrome browser?
Google Chrome is the browser which has the latest features and advanced browsing technologies. It is easy to do safe browsing from the browser and the platform provides all types of protection to user data from internet attacks. Downloads has become easier now and the browser can be installed in all types of operating systems & devices. Visit the Google Chrome website and down the setup file for the system. Then install the browser and start accessing internet.
Are you facing any type of issue with the Google Chrome browser? Have you tried all types of troubleshooting steps? One of the best ways to solve the issue is to uninstall the browser and install an updated one. Are you uninstalling Google Chrome for the first time? This article will help you in deleting the browser from the device.
Here are the steps to uninstall Google Chrome from Windows 10 –
- Firstly close all the Chrome windows and tabs from the system.
- Now click on the 'Start' icon or menu and tap or click on 'Settings'.
- Next click on 'Apps' and click 'Google Chrome' under 'Apps & Features'.
- Click on the 'Uninstall' option and confirm by clicking on 'Uninstall' again.
- Check the option of 'Also delete your browsing data' to delete the profile information.
- Finally click on the 'Uninstall' button.
Here are the steps to delete the Google Chrome browser from MAC –
- Right click on Chrome and select the option of 'Quit'.
- Open Finder and go to the folder contain the Google Chrome application.
- Also, you can drag Google Chrome to the Trash.
- User can also delete history and bookmarks details. For that click on 'Go' and then select 'Go to Folder'. Enter '~/Library/Applications Support/Google/Chrome' and click 'Go'.
- Now select all the folders and drag them to 'Trash'.
Here are the steps to delete the browser from LINUX –
- First open the terminal window. Press 'Ctrl + Alt + t' on GNONE, Unity, and Cinnamon environments.
- Next enter the uninstall command as 'sudo dpkg –r google-chrome-stable'.
- Now as prompted enter the computers password. Also, delete the profile information and data will not be present on the computer further.
Here are the steps to delete Chrome browser from iPhone or iPad –
- Touch and hold the Chrome app on the device.
- Tap on 'Remove' option at top left of the icon.
- Now tap 'Delete' to remove Chrome and delete the profile details.
Facing any type of issue or problem in uninstalling the Google Chrome? Contact Google Chrome tech support - 1888-623-9983 toll free for the best assistance and help. Support professionals will be able to provide the latest assistance for uninstalling the browser.
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